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Unit Dose Inhalant

FULL BW Inhalation

Individually wrapped and barcoded vials.

Our inhalation solutions feature individually-wrapped vials and pouches barcoded to the dose level. This configuration is designed to help pharmacies avoid instances where opening a multipack to retrieve one vial traditionally results in the disposal of unused units. Improved efficiency means utilizing the AHP's product may provide indirect cost-savings opportunity for your pharmacy.

A medical professional preparing to scan an image by a patient's bedside.

Quality barcoded products that hit the mark.

A medical professional preparing to scan an image by a patient's bedside.

As a leading manufacturer of serialized, barcoded unit-dose products, our oral solids and liquids help free up internal resources while allowing staff to commit more time to their core patient care competencies. Our portfolio simplifies one of the most complex parts of your job — reliably obtaining needed treatments — while ensuring that your caregivers "hit the mark" with BCMA-compliant medications that scan correctly at bedside.

A medical professional preparing to scan an image by a patient's bedside.

Get in touch

Want to learn how to access our unit-dose products? Have a specific question about our Unit Dose Plus line? We would love to know what you are looking for and how we can help. Reach out and we will start a conversation.

Drug Distributor

American Health Packaging distribution facility has been awarded NABP accreditation.

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